It was founded from Sican people, during Troia fall, in Mendola hill. During Roman domain it was proclaimed Latin municipium, a good position just to gesture itself with its own laws. When it was conquered by the Arabian people, it got the actual name and it was declared capital city in Sicilian three valleys. After two century of Muslim control, in 1090, Noto signed the surrender with Ruggero.
Noto history was marked also by natural events: it was destroyed by the 1693 heartquake. But the sumptuous and magnificent Noto rose again in Meti hill, in southern Ibleo mountains. The new architectural city map was developed by three architects: Rosario Gagliardi, Vincenzo Sinatra and Paolo Labisi. They gave to Noto an original track, by enriching it with renaissance, Spanish and neoclassical elements.

t rises up on the top of a monumental staircase and it was completed in 1770. In its front we can observe several classical and baroque elements. It has three aisles divided by pillars with double strips. In right aisle there is the silver Saint Corrado Ark, the city Protector.
Ducezio Palace

In front of the cathedral, there is the Ducezio Palace, the Municipal place, which was constructed between 1746 and 1830. After 100 years was putted on the top a second floor, that unfortunately damaged the original neoclassical style.
Villadorata Palace

Not far of it, we will find the Villadorata Palace: its front is full of wrought-iron balconies, supported by anthropomorphic and zoomorphic figures, which represent the Noto baroque style.